CREST CR-5 韌體更新公告 Ver. CR5058

CREST CR-5 韌體更新公告 Ver. CR5058
【New Mode 新模式】
- 潛點模式:潛點與導航正式上線! ​
Dive Spots Mode:Dive Spots and Navigation available now! ​
【潛點模式三大功能】 ​
🔸潛點導航:搜尋在你附近的潛點*並水面導航前往 ​
🔸新增潛點:快速紀錄當下位置,建立只屬於自己的潛點經緯度座標 ​
🔸我的潛點:將內建潛點加入最愛清單或儲存自建潛點 ​
【DiveSpotsMode 3 Features ​】
🔸Dive Spot Navigation:Search and navigate to built-in* dive spots nearby. ​
🔸Add Spot:Quickly record your current location coordinates as your dive spot. ​
🔸My Spots: Add built-in spots to your favorites list or save your own spots. ​
*提供近萬筆潛點資料庫,請於 DiveStory+ 更新韌體後並下載潛點 ​
Nearly 10,000 spots are available, download the spots after updating the firmware on DiveStory+ ​
【New functions 新功能】
- 自動高海拔環境圖樣顯示​
Auto Altitude Diving icon indication ​
當您進入高海拔環境**將自動切換為高海拔潛水計算,且手錶與潛水模式將顯示高海拔圖樣。 ​
When entering a high altitude environment**, it will automatically switch to the Altitude Dive calculation. The Altitude Dive icon will be displayed on watch and dive mode. ​
**位於氣壓值低於 950 mBar之環境持續5分鐘以上 ​
in the environment of barometric pressure lower than 950 mBar for more than 5 minutes ​
【Improvement 優化與改善】
- 優化轉手翻頁功能:轉手翻頁功能設定除了可設定開啟或關閉外,當你潛水預覽或潛水時,皆可改使用「按下Mode模式鍵」方式查看資訊。 ​
Improvement of “Twist to Next”: Press Mode Button to check more information no matter the “Twist to Next” function set as ON or OFF. ​
- 指北針畫面優化 ​
Compass display improvement. ​
- 優化潛水紀錄: 結束潛水後可於Log紀錄畫面查看入水點*** ​
Log improvement: Check your entry point*** information under Log mode. ​
***潛水員入水前,若GPS正常連線且搜尋到內建潛點相關資訊或經緯度數據可於Log紀錄畫面查看入水點的資訊。若無搜尋成功,Log紀錄畫面將顯示NO LOCATION。 ​
This information only shows if divers have proper positioning on the surface before diving. It either shows built-in dive spots name if you have downloaded built-in dive spots data successfully or coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) if the dive spots are not yet built in. ​
If positioning on the surface before diving is not successful, it will show NO LOCATION. ​
- 修正飛機快速降落時可能進入潛水模式 ​
Fixing the occasional issue of activating diving mode when users descend rapidly. ​
— ​
下載CR-5 專用的APP 「DiveStory+」來更新韌體! ​
Download iOS & Android APP for CREST dive computer CR-5 “DiveStory+” to update now! ​
iOS(App Store):
Android(Play Store):


CREST CR-5 韌體更新公告 Ver. CR5064
CREST CR-5 韌體更新公告 Ver. CR5062

1 則留言

Scott Hoffmann

Scott Hoffmann

The app isn’t working on my android phone. Once I try to open the app it immediately crashes.


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